- ICONS: Influence Consensus for Vision-Language Data Selection
Xindi Wu, Mengzhou Xia, Rulin Shao, Zhiwei Deng, Pang Wei Koh, and Olga Russakovsky
arXiv 2024;
- Influential Language Data Selection via Gradient Trajectory Pursuit
Zhiwei Deng, Tao Li, and Yang Li
arXiv 2024;
- Perceptual Group Tokenizer: Building Perception with Iterative Grouping
Zhiwei Deng, Ting Chen, and Yang Li
ICLR 2024;
- A Label is Worth a Thousand Images in Dataset Distillation
Tian Qin, Zhiwei Deng, and David Alvarez-Melis
NeurIPS 2024;
- Devil's Advocate: Anticipatory Reflection for LLM Agents
Haoyu Wang, Tao Li, Zhiwei Deng, Dan Roth, and Yang Li
EMNLP 2024;
- What is Dataset Distillation Learning?
William Yang, Ye Zhu, Zhiwei Deng, and Olga Russakovsky
ICML 2024;
- Vision-Language Dataset Distillation
Xindi Wu, Byron Zhang, Zhiwei Deng, and Olga Russakovsky
TMLR, ECCV Dataset Distillation Workshop (Best Paper Award) 2024;
Website |
arXiv |
TMLR Paper Site |
Video (45 mins) |
pdf) |
Poster |
- Boundary Guided Learning-Free Semantic Control with Diffusion Models
Ye Zhu,
Yu Wu,
Zhiwei Deng,
Olga Russakovsky,
and Yan Yan
NeurIPS 2023;
- Remember the Past: Distilling Datasets into Addressable Memories for Neural Networks
Zhiwei Deng and Olga Russakovsky
NeurIPS 2022;
- Evolving Graphical Planner: Contextual Global Planning for Vision-and-Language Navigation
Zhiwei Deng, Karthik Narasimhan, and Olga Russakovsky
NeurIPS 2020;
- BabyWalk: Going Farther in Vision-and-Language Navigation by Taking Baby Steps
Wang (Bill) Zhu*,
Hexiang Hu*,
Jiacheng Chen,
Zhiwei Deng,
Vihan Jain,
Eugene Ie,
and Fei Sha
ACL 2020 (Oral);
- Take the Scenic Route: Improving Generalization in Vision-and-Language Navigation
Felix Yu,
Zhiwei Deng,
Karthik Narasimhan,
and Olga Russakovsky
CVPR 2020, Visual Learning with Limited Labels Workshop 2020 (Oral);
- Continuous Graph Flow
Zhiwei Deng*,
Megha Nawhal*,
Lili Meng,
and Greg Mori
ICML 2020, Workshop on Graph Representation Learning and Beyond 2020;
- Policy Message Passing: Modeling Trajectories for Probabilistic Graph Inference
Zhiwei Deng,
Xingguo Li,
and Greg Mori
- Talking With Hands 16.2M: A Large-Scale Dataset of Synchronized Body-Finger Motion and Audio for Conversational Motion Analysis and Synthesis
Gilwoo Lee,
Zhiwei Deng,
Shugao Ma, Takaaki Shiratori, Siddhartha S. Srinivasa, and Yaser Sheikh
ICCV 2019;
- Learning Structured Inference Neural Networks with Label Relations
Nelson Nauata, Hexiang Hu, Guang-tong Zhou,
Zhiwei Deng,
Zicheng Liao, and Greg Mori
T-PAMI 2019;
- Probabilistic Neural Programmed Networks for Scene Generation
Zhiwei Deng,
Jiacheng Chen, Yifang Fu, and Greg Mori
NeurIPS 2018 (Spotlight);
- Sparsely Aggregated Convolutional Networks
Ligeng Zhu, Ruizhi Deng, Michael Maire,
Zhiwei Deng, and Greg Mori
ECCV 2018;
- Factorized Variational Autoencoders for Modeling Audience Reactions to Movies
Zhiwei Deng, and Greg Mori
CVPR 2017;
(Press Coverage CBC News | PHYS.ORG | Caltech News)
- Structure Inference Machines: Recurrent Neural Networks for Analyzing Relations in Group Activity Recognition
Zhiwei Deng, Arash Vahdat, Hexiang Hu, and Greg Mori
CVPR 2016;
[Extended Collective Activity Dataset: train-test split]
- Deep Structured Models For Group Activity Recognition
Zhiwei Deng, Mengyao Zhai, Lei Chen, Yuhao Liu, Srikanth Muralidharan, Mehrsan Roshtkhari, and Greg Mori
BMVC 2015 (Oral);